A second image of intentionally blurred car lights in Las Vegas. The shutter speed was longer, 1.3 seconds, to lengthen the trails of the headlights and taillights of the cars. The motion suggests the continual flow of visitors, cars and money in Las Vegas.
Las Vegas
Feb 10
HDR in the Lobby of the Mandalay Bay Resort
The interior of the Mandalay Bay Resort seems quite removed from the natural world, my normal photographic home. The marble, the grandeur, the illusion doesn’t attract me, but I wondered if I could capture the extreme range of light from the shadows in the plants to the overhead skylight and the reflections from the windows. I took five exposures, one stop apart, and blended them together with Photomatix Pro to create this High Dynamic Range image.
Feb 10
Flowing Traffic in Las Vegas
In September 2009 I attended a Photoshop conference in Las Vegas. It was my first visit to Las Vegas and I wasn’t sure what to expect. As a landscape photographer, I was more drawn to the hills around the city than to the casinos, but I decided to see what I could find. This shot was taken from one of the pedestrian walkways above the main strip. I slowed the shutter speed to 1/2 second to blur the lights of the cars and suggest some of the frenetic energy of the city.