Lower and Upper Summit Lakes are alder and willow edge habitats next to open alpine slopes in the northeast Kenai Peninsula. The still water provided a nice mirror reflection.
Another combination of mountains, snow, clouds and water that looked better in black and white. This is the Cook Inlet, a body of water that stretches 180 miles from Anchorage to the Gulf of Alaska.
Taken from the scenic overlook near Talkeetna, Alaska. Mt. McKinley, at 20,320 feet elevation, is the highest mountain peak in North America and the United States.
The dramatic clouds over the lake as well as the clouds in the distance made this shot a good candidate for black and white. Converted from color with Silver Efex Pro.
Pickhandle Lake is a lovely spot along the Alaska Highway in the Yukon Territory, Canada. This area has been used a trade and gathering area by the First Nation Peoples for many generations.
The Alcan Highway follows most of the southern border of Kluane Lake, the largest lake in the Yukon Territory. The still water provided spectacular reflections.