September, 2017

Sep 17

A Look Back—Lunch Time At Half Dome

Photograph of a picnic table and chairs overlooking Half Dome at Yosemite National Park, CaliforniaA memorable lunch overlooking Half Dome. An incoming storm provided dramatic skies over the magnificent ice carved valley.

Sep 17

A Look Back—Yosemite Waterfall

Photograph of waterfall and granite at Yosemite National Park, CaliforniaAnother trip to Yosemite, another waterfall shot.

Sep 17

A Look Back—Point Lobos Bird Island

Photograph of birds on a rock at Point Lobos, California.One of the views at Point Lobos State Park, south of Carmel, California. Point Lobos is called the Crown Jewel in the state park system, with its spectacular rocky coasts and beautiful views.

Sep 17

A Look Back—Pacific Grove “Magic Carpet”

Photograph of “Magic Carpet” ice plant flowers in Pacific Grove, CaliforniaA spectacular display of ice plant in Pacific Grove, California. The plant is a native of South Africa, Drosanthemum floribundum. It is sometimes called Magic Carpet or Rosy Iceplant. It makes a beautiful location for an engagement