July, 2018

Jul 18

A Look Back—Big Sur Lupine

Photograph of lupine flowers near Big Sur, CaliforniaTaken along the Nacimiento-Ferguson road that connects Highway 1 south of Big Sur to inland highways. It is sometimes the only connection for Big Sur residents when Highway 1 is blocked by mudslides. A beautiful drive, but not for the faint of heart. April 15, 2009.

Jul 18

A Look Back—Pinnacles Flower Display

Photograph of California Goldfield flowers at Pinnacles National ParkA nice display of California Goldfields. Taken at the Pinnacles National Monument before it became a National Park. April 2, 2009.

Jul 18

A Look Back—Humbug Mountain Beach

Photograph of rocks and waves near Humbug Mountain, Oregon.

Humbug Mountain 4

The sky and sea were so bright that very little color was visible. I decided to convert this to black and white because the contrast was so extreme. February 2, 2009.

Jul 18

A Look Back—Oregon Wetlands 2

Photograph of wetland grasses near Portland, OregonThe muted tones reflected the quiet and tranquillity of the location, just a short distance northeast of Portland, Oregon, February, 2009.