
Apr 18

A Look Back—Red Rock Moon 2

Photograph of the moon behind rugged rocks at Red Rock State Park, CaliforniaAnother shot a few minutes later.

Jul 13

Death Valley 2013–Telescope Peak Moonset 2

Photograph of a full moon setting over Telescope Peak, Death Valley National ParkZoomed in to 220mm on the 70-300mm lens. 1/80th of a second exposure, ISO 400, f/8.0

Jul 13

Death Valley 2013–Telescope Peak Moonset

Photograph of a full moon setting over Telescope Peak, Death Valley National ParkI was aware the moon would be setting near sunrise the previous morning at the Mesquite Flats Sand Dunes, but I hadn’t checked to see when it would set this morning. I was happy to find this alignment with Telescope Peak when I arrived at Badwater. This was about 40 minutes before sunrise.

May 13

Death Valley 2013–Moon Set Mesquite Flats

Photograph of a full moon setting at Mesquite Flats, Death Valley National ParkI timed my visit to the Mesquite Flats sand dunes to arrive as the moon was setting and before the sun rose. I parked a mile from the paved parking area in order to hike into some of the more remote sand dunes. I wanted to photograph the setting moon with the dunes in the foreground. Unfortunately, I underestimated how far away the dunes were and didn’t get there in time. This was as close as I got before the moon set behind Tucki Mountain.