Happy New Year from Gary Williams Photography!

Welcome to my photoblog, new for 2010. My intention for this blog is to discuss some of my favorite images in more detail than is possible on my main website I will also share tips, techniques and resources that have been helpful to me. I plan to post twice a week and, if you find the information and images interesting, I hope you will visit regularly.

The image today is appropriate for the season and the new year. It was discovered a few years ago that on the morning of the Winter Solstice, the rising sun shines though a window of the San Juan Bautista Mission and directly illuminates the tabernacle of the altar. I shot this image at the Mission at the Winter Solstice of 2007. I set my tripod up near the front altar and shot down the center aisle directly into the sun, f11 for 1.3 seconds.

May 2010 be full of light for you. Gary Williams

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